GreenInCities Sustainable Renaturing Toolbox
The co-creation process in local interventions will be deployed following a series of tools, methodologies and resources divided into eight different categories.
✶ Quantitative Assessment
✶ Qualitative Assessment
✶ Citizen Science
✶ Co-creation systems
✶ Decision making support systems
✶ Digital Twins
✶ Project visualisation and validation tools
✶ Project Follow up Platform
The Toolkit collects resources, materials and good practices to establish an engagement strategy with communities in each pilot site and develop interventions to co-create better urban spaces.
Risk Assessment mapping concerning extreme heat, considering the severity of events, the exposure of sensitive age groups and the vulnerability due to city morphology and surface materials.
Methodology for habitat mapping through remote sensing data (e.g satellite or drone images). It aims to identify habitat patches and classify them according to vegetation type.
Mental health evaluation using new portable user-friendly neuroimaging devices, measuring the effects on wellbeing of the real-life environmental exposures, recording neuroscience data.
Quantitative Assessment - Local Diagnostic Systems
Experiential Mapping is a participatory research methodology that integrates the tools of Exploratory Walks and Urban Quality Indicators. Participants record their experiences, needs, and desires from the public space, using specific urban quality indicators.
Animal- oriented design (AOD) workshop aims to explore the non- human population presence and needs. It consists in the elaboration of a set of cards (animal portraits), allowing the participants to better understand non-human perspectives.
Data collection workshops based on sociotope, subjective mental mapping, design thinking methodologies. Analyse and understand peculiarities and unique spirit of the place through participatory activities.
Qualitative Assessment - Participatory Analysis Systems
Citizen Science Tools
Citizen’s science kit monitoring environmental data (temperature, humidity, pollution, etc.) and wildlife population and behaviour.
AR application for the visualisation of monitoring and assessment information overlaid on the intervention site. The application supports dynamic adaptation of User Interfaces (UIs), towards enhancing the Situation Awareness (SA) of users.
The citizen sensing mobile application allows citizens to provide site-specific information related to urban climate resilience, consisting of data, images and texts.Citizens receive sensor based data on temperature and humidity.
Co-Creation Systems
It is a tool targeted at supporting co-design processes, raising awareness and increasing engagement. It includes a catalogue of solutions that the players can pick and apply to a building/public space visualising the impact. It collects data about users' preferences.
Digital tool supporting co-design of public spaces and the increase of perceived safety, based on a data analysis pipeline integrating a safe-syntax perceived safety module.
2 days co-design workshop with the aim of boosting specific innovation projects. It will be applied to co-design and detail specific solutions that will be implemented.
Decision Making Support Systems
Handbook to evaluate the benefits of circular economy solutions, with references and key projects, to support the choice of the best solution to address urban climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges.
The LAND Sustainability Compass. is an approach for calculating impacts of landscape projects, urban strategies, and territorial development processes on the achievement of specific targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) as defined in the ESPON programme and the Committee of Regions, is understood as the Exposition of a given zone to a policy (e.g., public housing to be build) and the Sensitivity of the zone to the policy (e.g., Housing demand by young low income population).
Digital Twins And Simulators
Protocol for data sourcing from local stakeholders, consisting of time series and spatial data aimed at creating accurate digital twins. This data serves as a baseline to measure the influence any nature based interventions have on the pilot site over the course of the project and beyond.
The MHDT reconstructs the brain activity of a person in a given environment. Data collected using neuromining devices are transferred to the MHDT, together with environmental, urban development, psychological and neuroscience metrics. The simulator allows to identify the mental health response to changes in the environment.
Yggio 4, is a platform for a coherent digitization of smart cities, buildings and utility companies to provide a single API to devices and data in a standard data format for all users & service providers as authorised by the city administration.
The platform supports any connectivity protocol and includes a built-in LoRaWAN Network Server.
Project Visualisation and Validation Tools
Augmented reality digital model of a planned intervention that can be used during a participatory process to visualise the future project and validate it. Can be used with people and decision makers.
Creation of different fidelity levels of interactive models using digital tools (e.g., Figma, Adobe XD). Aimed to verify very first concepts and/or validate final solutions. Can be used with people and decision makers.
Web-based platform providing online insights and information regarding the progress and assessment metrics for each greening planned intervention, statistical analysis of the assessment metrics and KPIs, and graphic representations for the consolidation of the intervention assessment.
Project Follow Up
Web-based platform providing online insights and information regarding the progress and assessment metrics for each greening planned intervention, statistical analysis of the assessment metrics and KPIs, and graphic representations for the consolidation of the intervention assessment.